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The Main Intelligence Directorate received secret data on Russian military developments worth $1.5 billion

We are talking about 100 gigabytes of secret data from the Russian enterprise Special Technology Center LLC.

The main thing The Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense received 100 gigabytes of secret data from the Russian enterprise Special Technology Center LLC, the value of which could be $1.5 billion.

This was reported by the press service of the General Directorate of Intelligence.

The Russian company has been under sanctions since 2016. Its facilities produce military equipment and equipment used by the Russian army in the war against Ukraine. military products.

The array of information transmitted to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine contains documentation for 194 items: drawings, technical specifications, patents, software, etc.

According to preliminary estimates, the value of the data obtained may be $1.5 billion.

“This is a significant blow to terrorist Moscow: this archive is already being used to strengthen the defense capability of Ukraine and weaken the aggressor state,” – noted in the Main Intelligence Directorate.

The Main Intelligence Directorate added that it was possible to obtain classified information from one of the critical enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex thanks to “effective interaction with patriotic representatives of civil society and the media community.”

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