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The main thing for Thursday, January 11: the assaults near Avdeevka and Marinka are repelled, Zelensky in the Baltic countries

Battles near Avdeevka, 56 military clashes, enemy shelling, a new edition of the law on mobilization, the Grinkevich case. How will the 687th day of a full-scale war be remembered?

Chairman of the Servant of the People faction in the Verkhovna Rada David Arakhamia said that the bill on mobilization was returned to the Government for revision.

“There was a closed meeting with the military command and a closed meeting of the Conciliation Council, which was announced yesterday. Present were Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhny, Chief of the General Staff Shaptala, Defense Minister Umerov, the leadership of the Verkhovna Rada, heads of factions and committees. The main issue is bill No. 10378 on improving mobilization, military registration and military service,” Arakhamia said.

He recalled that the discussion of the bill took place in the Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence in closed mode, in compliance with legal requirements for working with secret information.

More details in the news.

In turn, Defense Minister Rustem Umerov said that the Ministry of Defense has already prepared a new version of the mobilization bill, taking into account all the proposals agreed with deputies at meetings of the Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence.

< p class="MsoNormal">According to him, the document is ready to be submitted for approval by the government in the near future.

Meanwhile, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that 56 military clashes took place during the day.< /p>

In general, during the day the enemy carried out 3 air strikes and fired 16 attacks from multiple launch rocket systems on positions our troops and populated areas. Russian terrorist attacks have unfortunately resulted in civilian deaths and injuries. Private residential buildings and other civilian infrastructure were destroyed and damaged.

In the Avdeevsky direction, our defenders repelled 9 enemy attacks in the areas of Novobakhmutovka, Stepnoy, Avdeevka and another 16 attacks in the Pervomaiskoye and Nevelskoye areas of the Donetsk region, where the enemy unsuccessfully tried to improve the tactical situation.

On Mar direction The defense forces continue to contain the enemy in the Georgievka, Marinka and Novomikhailovka areas of the Donetsk region, where the enemy tried to break through the defense of our troops 10 times.

Read more about the operational situation as of 18:00 on January 11 in our news.

Prosecutor General of Ukraine Andrei Kostin confirmed that Russia has already used missiles from North Korea in the war against Ukraine. by origin of the weapon used.

“The results of a preliminary scientific and technical examination confirm that the missile fired at the central part of the city of Kharkov on January 2 is a short-range missile developed by North Korea.

< p class="MsoNormal">A comprehensive commission examination is ongoing, which should finally confirm this fact. The analysis of data on other fragments of ammunition that were found at the sites of recent attacks in the Kharkov and Odessa regions continues,” said Andrey Kostin.

Experts were at the scene of the shelling and did a preliminary inspection and analysis of the parts missiles A comprehensive commission examination is currently underway, which should finally confirm this fact.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky believes that Ukraine deserves an invitation to NATO at the summit in Washington this summer.

“I am sure that Ukraine, like no one else, deserves it. Firstly, in Ukraine a strong army that will definitely strengthen, especially Eastern Europe, NATO countries. An army with military experience: not theory, but practice. An army that used NATO weapons during the war on the battlefield, and not just in military training,” Zelensky said at press conference in Tallinn.

“We know all the pros and cons of these weapons. We know about the difficulties on the battlefield at any time of the year. Unfortunately, this experience is people's lives. However, this is a fact. Therefore, when we talk about our army or compatibility with NATO standards, I see that we are absolutely ready,” Zelensky noted.

This will, the president added, be the best security guarantee for Ukraine, that there will be no return of Russian aggression.

President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky arrived on an official visit to Latvia.

A photo from Zelensky's meeting at Riga airport was published on the social network by Latvian Foreign Minister Krisjanis Karins.

The Latvian public broadcaster broadcast the visit live.

The Ukrainian president will discuss with the Latvian leadership bilateral cooperation, support in the fight against Russian aggression, as well as Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine, Delfi reports.< /p >

The National Agency for Tracing and Asset Management has found the assets of Lviv businessman Igor Grinkevich and persons associated with his illegal activities.

We are talking about the purchase of clothing by Grinkevich’s companies for the Armed Forces of Ukraine by UAH 1.5 billion.

As ARMA said, officials and beneficiaries of controlled companies and a number of other business entities acted in prior agreement with officials of the Ministry of Defense.

< p class="MsoNormal">During martial law, they abused their official position and entered into contracts with the ministry for the supply of goods for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (personal protective equipment and food) with 100% advance payment, but without the intention of their full and proper execution.

Details are in the news.

The most complete picture of today is on our website. We hope that tomorrow there will be more good news.

Let's hold on and bring Victory closer!

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