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“Green” energy in Ukraine is the most underfunded, – expert

The Cabinet of Ministers may ensure the ability of NAEK Energoatom to withdraw funds from issue of bonds under sovereign guarantees, so that the company could invest in funds for the energy sector to stabilize the financial situation of the energy company, zocrema, and green energy.

RBC-Ukraine reports about this with a message to the National Energy Law Committee National Association of Lawyers of Ukraine Oleksandr Trokhimts.

“Those funds that were saved for the improvement of the galus in the VDE allowed the accumulation of borgs in Energoatom to slow down. Energoatom began to take out insurance for the borgs. In addition, with the settlement of mutual borgs between the subjects of the market, the borg before the green “You can’t change your energy,” said Trohimets.< /p>

In his words, vinyatkovo high growth rates were more likely in the breast in 2023, otherwise the secret situation is deprived of tension and may even have negative consequences.

“The Cabinet would definitely be willing to consider a decision about Energoatom earning pennies under sovereign guarantees, because there is no light in sight,” the expert said.

Vin added that it is possible with other types of electricity generation It doesn’t exist in Ukraine There is such a low level of investment in green energy production – about 55%

“And this despite the fact that on all sides there are calls for a transition to green energy… And how to ask any of the representatives of the government about the future є energy “Then the video will definitely have three letters – VDE,” said Trohimets.

Vin reported that today's revenue to enterprises everywhere is approaching UAH 40 billion, and the situation is unlikely to improve in 2024 through the introduction of a deficit tariff for the transmission of electricity for Ukrenergo, which є pay for the service for an increased portion of green generation.< /p>

To put the situation into perspective, Trokhimets thinks that the EBRD could pay €150 million, which Ukrenergo recently found.

“I am confident that most of the funds will be directed directly to irishennya already bastards “This is a speck in the bourgeois sea of ​​Ukrainian energy,” the lawyer said.

We guess that between 2023 and 2022, the rate of subsidies for electricity in all regions is no more than 55 %.

According to the opinion of the founder of the Ukrainian Association of Innovative Energy, Igor Tinny, borgs are formed piece by piece and this streams the development of galusia.

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