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Investors will stay tuned to the Ministry of Energy on the operational development of energy problems in the energy sector

Investors in the innovative energy sector of Ukraine will focus on the results of the Ministry of Energy The world has billions of dollars in exposure to the electricity market After the Ministry created a working group from this department, it received a decision on all involved parties.

This is reported by RBC-Ukraine from the submissions to the application of the Ukrainian Wind Energy Association (UWEA).

“We would like to emphasize the critical importance of the initiative and activity of such work ї groups, as well as the active participation of all market participants before the process of regulating the problem of logging on market… UBEA is glad to be part of a healthy dialogue in the market, which the Ministry of Energy supports, and we all accept the search for the most effective way to regulate this problem,” investors inform.

As it turns out, the financial crisis in the electricity market of the country in 2021-2022 is connected, first of all, with the borgs, the accumulation of which began in 2019, has been lost to the past fate, and is being lost even more This is the reason for the streamlining of the development of new projects from VDE .

So, the average level of payment to electricity generators from the EDU for 2023 reached 61%, which slightly exceeded the figure for 2022 at 56%.

“The main cause of debt in the electricity market is the defect in liquidity, so the only effective way to pay off debt is to finance market participants through various instruments: adjustment of tariffs or “Neither foreign nor domestic are included,” declares the UWEA.

Also means , since the first meeting of the Working Group took place on the 29th of today. The purpose of the working group is to promptly direct the active mechanism of balancing the financial situation of participants in the electricity market, Zokrem, the transmission system operator, electricity generators from VDE, for which a “green” tariff has been established, as well as DP “Guaranteed Buyer”.

In addition to UBEA and other specialized associations with VDE, the following representatives also joined the working group: the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, including Minister Herman Galushchenko, NEKREKP, Market Operator, NEC Ukrenergo ” and DP “Guaranteed Purchaser”.

“We are confident that the functioning of this work group will increase efficiency, ensure payment of debts and generate practical contributions to the further effective work market,” the UBEA said.

Nagada Emo, formerly the founder of the Ukrainian Association of Renewable Energy Igor Thinny stated that the borgs are formed individually and this streams the development of galusia in the minds of war and for the future.

In the opinion of experts, it is possible to ensure the possibility of Energoatom to withdraw costs from the issue of bonds under the sovereign guarantor ii, so that the company could take out insurance with funds for the energy industry to stabilize the financial status of energy companies.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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