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The government has improved and clarified defense procurement processes through Prozorro

Prozorro is introducing a new tool – a framework deal

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has improved the Prozorro procedure. A new instrument is being introduced into the system – a framework deal, under which purchases will be carried out by the State Logistics Operator (SE Defense Agency) and the State Service for Special Communications and Information Security.

As noted in the Cabinet of Ministers, the innovation is intended ensure a balance between efficiency and transparency in defense procurement and the protection of information critical to national security.

“Today the Government has made a very important decision designed to strengthen transparency in defense procurement and provide our defense sector with high-quality goods and services at competitive prices,” noted First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine – Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yulia Sviridenko.

She added that all relevant parties were involved in the preparation of the document – the ministries of economy, defense, digital transformation, other ministries and departments, public and industry organizations, Ukrainian manufacturers.

The solution introduces new procurement tools in the Prozorro system and offers new opportunities for participants.

“At the same time, we support the capabilities and tools for monitoring procedures by the public and maintain strict safeguards against corruption abuses. At the same time, the solution allows us to ensure a high level of protection of sensitive information, and therefore security for both producers , and defenders, which is a key condition,” the minister added.

The government also explained the key features of the new mechanism for government defense procurement under framework agreements:

In addition to introducing a procurement mechanism under framework agreements, the Government decision also approves other changes to the defense procurement procedures. In particular:

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