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The main thing for Saturday, February 3: more than 20 repelled assaults near Avdievka, air strikes of the Defense Forces

Battles near Avdiivka 45 military clashes, enemy shelling, another aid package from Estonia, a failure in “Action” due to the national selection for Eurovision 2024. How will the 710th day of a full-scale war be remembered?

Today, during voting in the national selection for Eurovision 2024, a large-scale glitch occurred in the Action application. After the performance of all the finalists, the presenters announced its start, however, the majority of social network users reported that when entering the application, the message “Unfortunately, an error occurred.”

“How many people want to vote for their favorite candidate of the National Selection! Action needs a little time to recover from such a number of visitors. So, if the Poll does not open for you, try voting in a few minutes,” said Action.

Meanwhile, during the public broadcast, a message appeared on the screens that “Action” was increasing capacity.

Later, “Action” reported that the vote was for the winner of the national selection will continue so that everyone has time to vote for the favorite of the national selection for Eurovision 2024.

Meanwhile, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that 45 military clashes took place during the day.< /p >

The enemy carried out 54 air strikes and carried out 33 attacks from multiple launch rocket systems on the positions of our troops and populated areas. Russian terrorist attacks have unfortunately resulted in civilian casualties. Residential private and apartment buildings, as well as other civil infrastructure, were destroyed and damaged.

In the Avdeevsky direction, our defenders repelled 20 enemy attacks in the area of ​​​​the village of Avdeevka and 3 more attacks in the Pervomaisky area of ​​the Donetsk region, where the enemy, with the support of aviation, tried to break through the defenses of our troops.

During the day Aviation of the Defense Forces carried out strikes on 12 areas where enemy personnel were concentrated.

More details about the operational situation as of 18:00 on February 3 – in our news.

Estonia donated a package of military assistance, which included Javelin anti-tank systems, machine guns, small arms ammunition, various equipment and diving equipment. It is known that the next aid package is already being used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

ERR writes about this with reference to the country's Ministry of Defense. “Recent events in Europe show that the supply of much-needed missiles and other military assistance to Ukraine will continue on a large scale, and with this we, together with our allies, are sending a clear signal to the Kremlin that we will support Ukraine to the bitter end,” said Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur .

It is known that the next aid package from Estonia in the amount of 80 million euros, in addition to Javelin anti-tank missiles, included machine guns, small arms ammunition, various equipment, as well as diving equipment.

French Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor's Office has launched an investigation into the deaths of two French volunteers in Berislav, Ukraine, during a Russian air strike on February 1.

“An investigation has been opened into facts of war crimes and intentional harm to human life, protected in particular by international humanitarian law. Entrusted to the gendarmes of the Central Office for the Combating of Crimes against Humanity (OCLCH), this is the 10th procedure opened since the beginning of the conflict in February 2022 year,” the message says.

On February 1, the Russian military fired at Berislav in the Kherson region. As a result of the strike, two French volunteers were killed and three more were injured.

France has confirmed the death of two of its volunteers as a result of a Russian strike in the Kherson region. The corresponding data was released by Foreign Minister Stephane Sejournet. The Main Intelligence Directorate reported that in the Russian Engels, the commander of the crew of the Tu-95 strategic bomber, Major Oleg Stegachev, was shot.

=”MsoNormal”>It is known that the pilot, born in 1983, served at the Engels airbase and was directly involved in launching missile attacks. strikes on civilian targets in Ukraine and killings. As a result of the attack, Stegachev received gunshot wounds. Now the GUR is checking whether he is still alive.

“We remind you that all war criminals will face retribution. We know your names, addresses, car numbers, usual routes and habits,” intelligence informs .

The most complete picture of today is on our website. We hope that tomorrow there will be more good news.

Let's hold on and bring Victory closer!

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