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The US Senate failed the bill on aid to Ukraine and reform of border guards

The Senate of the United States of America (USA) at the vote blocked the bill on funding for epidemiological ku Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, and the security of the American border.

This is reported by RBC-Ukraine with requests to broadcast the meeting.

The results of the vote in the Senate were divided between 8 and 49 legislators ” for “praising the initiative, and 50 votes “against”.

The vote required 60 votes, otherwise the work on the legislative initiative would begin.

What a blow

Previously, it was reported that on the 7th year the US Senate was willing to approve a bill on assistance to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan and new funding for the defense of border guards.

Respectfully, the failure of the vote for the bill was predicted Just yesterday, fragments of him were inspired to support the republicans.

Additionally, US President Biden called on Congress to strongly praise new funding to help Ukraine.

Apparently, earlier the US Senate presented a new bill to help Ukraine. It includes funding for additional aid to Ukraine, Israel, and the value of the US border. Meanwhile, the White House spoke sharply about the bill on aid to Israel without Ukraine.

Continuation of nutritional aid to Ukraine from the United States

Looking ahead to 2023 Biden returned to the American Congress asking for a vision of 105 billions of dollars to help Ukraine and Israel ta Taiwan. Ukraine, within the framework of this project, would have to deduct over 60 billion dollars.

In addition to helping Ukraine, we will also transfer a package of support to Israel, the US military-industrial complex, increased security for the Indo-Pacific region, humanitarian assistance, funding for the region, and about developing, to create an alternative to China's programs, increasing security at the border of the United States.

However, Biden found himself on strong support from the side of the Republicans in Congress, and the so-called “Trumpists” in the US House of Representatives. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, having directly stated that Biden's request is not to be considered, some Republicans want Biden to regulate the situation at the border with Mexico.

For better food supply in the United States, negotiations were initiated between the White House, Democrats and Republicans to create a bipartisan agreement, which would include a high power supply to the cordon, as well as unblocking Biden's power supply.

This is the outcome. them senators, like took part in the development of the land, presented it to the fire. However, the pleasure repelled a barrage of criticism in the House of Representatives. They said they would not look at it.

Yesterday, Biden called on Congress to praise the decision to finance support for Ukraine and send a concluding bill to the table. Biden also called Donald Trump to create a move to praise the border with Mexico.

After this, the leader of the Republicans in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, and other high-ranking members said that the Senate needs to go out of power Near the cordon and take a close look at the financing of Israel and Ukraine and Taiwan.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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