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Utilities in Ukraine have risen in price over the rest of the country: what is the reason

Average prices for housing, water, electricity, gas and other types of fuel in Ukraine at sichnya The 2024 year increased by 12.8% from the previous year. The reason was the increase in prices for electricity.

RBC-Ukraine reports this in a letter to the State Statistics Service (Derzhstat).

According to the statistics department, the following tariffs have increased:

At the same time, tariffs for natural gas have not changed, scorching and hot water.

Private moratorium on increasing tariffs

It seems that in Ukraine there is a moratorium on increasing tariffs for gas, hot water and burning, Nowadays there is no shortage of electricity and cold water. The Cabinet of Ministers has increased the electricity tariff for the population from 1 ruble by 70% from 1.68 UAH/kW-year to 2.64 UAH/kW-year.

NKREKP intends to increase the tariff for cold water by 2024 roc.

According to the forecast of the NBU, the moratorium on raising tariffs for gas, hot water and heat supply may be affected by less than 2025 roc. This will happen after the collapse of the military camp.

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