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US House of Representatives will not vote on aid to Ukraine until mid-week, – McCall

The US House of Representatives obviously cannot vote for the aid package for Ukraine before middle birch.

About this, the head of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the US House of Representatives, Michael McCall, informs RBC-Ukraine of a message sent to Reuters.

“I don’t want to speak on behalf of the speaker, but I think “We want to go through the appropriation process right away – which will take us to 8 March – and then get on with the additional (video expenses – ed.),” McCall said.

Vin also stated that having not read the bill carefully, However, there may be a battle, looking at the drive of the approved changes in the military finance.

McCall is also confident that the Ukraine bailout bill will be praised by the House of Representatives, as House Speaker Michael Johnson will allow a vote despite the opposition from the active group of legislators most closely associated with the bill. with President Donald Trump.

“I think that washing your brain, as you wish, about those that we have to collect between our sacred cordon and Ukraine, is already a little more than enough. I am no good for this. I think that we are a great nation and we can work both those and “otherwise,” said McCall.

Aid to Ukraine from the United States

It seems that just recently, US President Joe Biden asked Congress to see over 100 billion dollars for assistance to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, as well as the protection of the American cordon.

Republicans were inspired to support the initiative. The stench drew more than a harsh approach to protect the cordons. Thus, aid to Ukraine has become a priority for members of the Republican Party.

Recently, the US Senate began to consider a bill for aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan without pennies for the border, 13 years old mali senatori. In order for the bill to come into force, it may still pass the House of Representatives and be signed by President Joe Biden.

Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson has already spoken out against such an initiative. In this manner, you may not submit a bill for consideration by the House of Representatives.

Read terms and important information about Russia’s war against Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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