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The court banned taking money for parking in Kyiv

The Antimonopoly Committee believes that utility companies took advantage of the lack of competition in the market when setting prices.

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The Sixth Administrative Court of Appeal of Kyiv upheld parking fees in the capital. The tariff of 35 hryvnia per hour was recognized as unreasonable.

A representative of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, Alexey Khmelnitsky, announced the verdict of Themis. According to him, the court’s ruling cancels the order of the Kyiv City Military Administration of 2022 on parking tariffs. Therefore, Kiev residents have the right not to pay for services at sites owned by the city.

A special board of the AMCU had previously fined the Kievtransparkservice enterprise twice for violating competition laws. The supervisory authority came to the conclusion that when setting the cost of parking at 35 hryvnia per hour for the first zone (city center), public utilities took advantage of their monopoly position.

  • The Kyiv City State Administration promises that by the end of February, mobilized Kiev residents will receive a payment from the city in the amount of 30 thousand hryvnia.
  • In early February, the capital renamed Vozdukhoflotsky Avenue.

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