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Electronic subpoenas, e-cabinet, rights of predators: what is being discussed in the Parliament, changing the law on mobilization

On Tuesday, February 27th, the first meeting of the Supreme Committee for the sake of national nutrition was held ї safety in any way reviewed the amendments to the bill on mobilization in Ukraine.

About the comments of RBC-Ukraine, the Secretary of the Supreme Committee for National Security, Defense and Intelligence Roman Kostenko.

According to Kostenko, the bill has 4195 amendments. In this case, there is a lot of overlap between them, and there is also some difference in form, but they are the same in essence. Therefore, the committee decided to break down the amendments into main blocks, for example, the exchange of rights, demobilization, etc. Next, the committee will vote for each of these blocks.

“That’s why today’s committee bloc-by-block praised the decision on several fronts. And then, with the final decision in mind, we will either accept or not accept the amendments that people’s deputies made. Today we have passed only a part of these blocs “, – Rospov Vin.

Kostenko confirmed that at today’s committee the committee did not support the rule that judges should differentiate between people’s rights. Mova about the blocking of rahunks and the restriction through the court of leaving the cordon. However, it is necessary to vote in advance, since all norms are debatable. We believe that many deputies of the committee respect that the official legislation has already passed fines for people not violating their obligations in order to promote mobilization. Zokrem, it is prescribed in the Code of Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code. Therefore, people's deputies respect that it is possible, as an option, to simply increase the amount of fines, and not to limit rights.

In addition, there was no praise for the decision so that the consulates separated their services for Ukrainians behind the cordon, although food would still be discussed.

“We discussed the functioning of the electronic office, and the committee voted for the fact that registration in this office could be a right, and not an obligation. Also, the power of electronic notifications was accepted and was valid Oh, there are no electronic notifications, but there is an option that “They will only be relevant to those who have registered their electronic account, since such a person herself has acquired a unique form of communication with the TCC. In addition, the rights of the police and the TCC were discussed before the procedure for submitting the application,” respecting Kosten co.

Looking around to the great number of amendments, the committee will consider them until the end of this year.

The bill on mobilization

Finally, today the Cabinet of Ministers submitted to the Supreme Court a bill on mobilization, which proposes to change the procedure for its implementation.

The draft law will contain norms for changing the rules for the exit of conscription for cordon, 100% provision of “armor” as a prize for Ukrainians, We are now allowed to send out agendas through the electronic office about reducing the conscription period to 25 years, deductions for evaders and more.

A number of recent parliaments praised the bill at the first reading.

Speaker of the Supreme Court Ruslan Stefanchuk stated that people's deputies will wait 14 days between the first and other readings of the bill on mobilization in order to make their amendments to the new one.

President Volodymyr Zelensky stated that the law on mobile phones will be changed in Ukraine zatsіyu, fragments of the document was praised before the war and the war does not correspond to the realities.

For more details about the new bill on mobilization, read the material of RBC-Ukraine.

Terms and important information about the war Russia versus Ukraine read on the RBC-Ukraine channel on Telegram.

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