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Kilometer-long lines and blocked checkpoints: report from the Polish border

The situation at the Polish-Ukrainian border has become tense again since the bitter end of 2024. Now the checkpoints are being blocked by farmers. The stinks are intended to completely block the export of Ukrainian agricultural products.

What is happening at the border of Ukraine and Poland – from the RBC-Ukraine report.

Our correspondents followed the Ukrainian waters, as and got stuck at the border. The stench began to creep into the minds of the surroundings. Polish police will be punished for cross-bordering Ukrainians.

“They don’t allow us to walk here. More cars are coming and it seems like we’re sitting in cars. You can say that they’re handcuffed,” said one of the drivers.

Checkpoints as on Entry and non-entry into Ukraine is blocked by protesters, the flow of vandalism may even increase.

According to the words of the drivers, in order to enter Ukraine they have to stand at the cordon over 10 days. At checkpoints, many kilometers of checkpoints are guarded against vandalism.

Blockade of the Ukrainian border

It seems likely that fierce protests at the Polish-Ukrainian border have resumed. Farmers are blocking checkpoints, and recently a stink has begun to wreak havoc on Ukrainian grain. Poland expects to find the culprits.

In addition, Polish farmers also announced the blockade of checkpoints on the border with Germany and Lithuania.

Recently, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk stated about those that negotiations are currently underway about temporarily closing the cordon for the exchange of goods. In Ukraine, it seems that there are no such negotiations.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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