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Canada cannot transfer NASAMS obligations to Ukraine: the reason given

Canada has not yet transferred the NASAMS anti-aircraft missile system to Ukraine; From the Receipts of the States . The success is in full swing.

RBC-Ukraine reports about this in a post to the Edmonton Journal.

Minister of National Defense Bill Blair is about to visit Edmonton this year, stating that he is connected With NASAMS for Ukraine, the problem lies on the sovereign level.

Last year, Canada saw costs for the purchase of systems under a contract with the United States. However, coalition purchases are still in limbo.

Blair said it was the Americans' responsibility to secure funding to complete the contracts. Because of this, without the purchase, it was necessary to make a decision on the urgent procurement process.

“We were trying to speed up this process. Unfortunately, the Americans were faced with some problems with the government’s finances,” stated Blair.

Vin, who was giving the rosemiyti, the importance of the TSO TO “Silne Vidchutti Termіnovosti”.

nasams for Ukrainian Kanai TA

nasams – Norvezky cross -country complex, build -up 72 missiles for 12 rockets for 12 seconds. It is necessary to shoot down airplanes, helicopters and rockets at a radius of up to 40 kilometers. The air defense systems were developed by the Norwegian company Norwegian Kongsberg and the American Raytheon.

In 2023, Canada announced its intention to buy NASAMS from the United States tell yogo Ukraine.In the past, the Canadian Ministry of Defense paid the US government $406 million for the system.

However, at the beginning of this day, it turned out that the US has not yet transferred the air defense system to Canada. It is also unknown if the system will be taken away by Kiev.

Canada has rushed to the United States with demands to speed up the transfer of Ukraine to the complex.

Read terms and important information about Russia’s war against Ukraine on theRBC-Ukraine channel on Telegram.< /em>

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