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There should be no place of rest for the occupier, – Zelensky

We must limit the mobilization of resources and finance, the remnants of Russian ties with the world even more, even more severely.

Vladimir Zelensky

The President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky spoke about this in his address.

“Now the military is working to stabilize our positions at the front. And this is in conditions when supplies from partners are still significantly limited,” the president emphasized.

Also at Headquarters a report was made on the construction of fortifications.

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“More than 2 thousand kilometers of tasks, strengthening the already created fortifications and creating a new one – no less than three lines of our strength. Designed according to threats. All necessary resources have been attracted, and it is the personal responsibility of officials, regional leaders and military personnel for the result. The result should speak for itself, in its reliability for every soldier,” the Supreme Commander-in-Chief emphasized.

At a separate report, Commander-in-Chief Syrsky and Minister of Defense Umerov reported on the current situation at the front and on planning our actions. There should be no place of rest for the occupier.

Today we discussed preparations for the next meeting in the “Ramstein” format and the key emphasis of our communication with partners on weapons and ammunition.

Also at a separate report was the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate Budanov. A few questions. First of all, Russia's military plans. Not only against our state – against other nations too. The joint task of the world now is to bring down this sick Putin’s fantasy that he supposedly has time to continue the war. Perhaps he will intensify mobilization – after simulating elections now in March. Mobilization of Russians. But we must limit the mobilization of resources and finances, the remnants of Russian ties with the world even more, even more harshly,” noted the head of state.

Today Vladimir Zelensky held several meetings with officials. The financial and economic block of the government and the NBU reported on the state of our financial system. We also discussed budget work this year. there should be no occupier” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” allowfullscreen>

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