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The EU has delayed the transfer of income from frozen assets of the Russian Federation to Ukraine

On Thursday, 21 Births, the leaders of the European Union decided to confiscate some of the profits , eaten as frozen Russian assets and their transfer to Ukraine. The agreement was made after a major period of negotiations on the legal basis for the effective sequestration of 190 billion euros saved in the Belgian financial company Euroclear.

RBC-U informs about this country with poslannyam on The Guardian.

Nothing has been said about the division of funds, but the proposal was to allocate 90% for military consumption and 10% for reconstruction with the possibility of redirecting part of the money to finance EU peacekeeping missions throughout om world to satisfy the needs of the Ugorshchina.

This time is still not absolved by the legal authorities, according to the informant. It is clear that the money will be turned once in a while on the side of Russia.

The Kremlin has already commented on this process, calling it a gross violation of international law. Prote diplomats of the European Union benefited from the fact that profits or hundreds, taken from frozen assets, would be allocated to Ukraine.

This decision was praised after the call of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky to increase support for Ukraine in order to protect similar places from Russian bombing.

“The aggressor may pay the ultimate price for the war “This is the law,” Zelensky said in support of the EU leaders .

At the same time, EU leaders encouraged Ukraine and Moldova to become members of the bloc, hoping to speed up the commission's start of negotiations.

“If Ukraine's support is enough, show Putin's friends that it will be enough to convince God to expand aggression to other European countries,” Zelensky said.

Guess what, The representative of the European Union for foreign affairs and security policy, Josep Borrell, during the press conference, noted that income from frozen assets in Russia will soon be replaced. This, in his words, is to allow the Ukrainian defense-industrial complex to receive a new and increased capacity.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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