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In Vasilkov, the head of the MSEC for money helped conscripts obtain a disability group, – prosecutor’s office

When receiving funds, the woman was detained.

Law enforcement officers detained and reported suspicion to the head of one of the inter-district Medical social expert commissions (MSEC) in the Kyiv region for extortion and obtaining unlawful benefits for oneself for a certificate of assignment of the 3rd and 2nd disability groups. This was reported by the Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office.

The pre-trial investigation established that since August 2023, the chairman of one of the commissions, together with the doctors of the Vasylkivska hospital, set up a scheme to extort money for the groundless registration of disability for men of military age.

So, to obtain a disability for a man it is necessary to undergo treatment “on paper” and to formally remain in a hospital hospital for some time. After this, MSEC issued him a certificate of assignment of the 3rd disability group for a period of 1 year.

Later, the chairman of the commission reported that according to the same scheme, the man will be able to receive a certificate of assignment of the 2nd disability group.

Upon receiving funds in the amount of $500, the woman was detained. Currently, she has been notified of suspicion and the issue of choosing a preventive measure is being decided.

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