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NATO announced its readiness for a possible conflict with Russia

NATO countries are preparing for a potential military conflict with Russia.

About This informs RBC-Ukraine that Rob Bauer was sent to the NATO Military Committee in an interview with ArmyInform.

Bauer noted that NATO had already considered a change in the security situation in 2014 Roci, after the Russian occupation of Crimea.

So, since 2019, the Alliance began to turn to collective security: they changed the defense strategy, operational planning, forces necessary for the victory of all these forces.

“Now we understand everything, what is in our minds ov turned to collective security hour not on our side. Because the enemy is in danger, if they attack you, and as the conflict has been going on for a long time. Ukraine, unfortunately, got into trouble with whom,” said the NATO general.

For food, you're ready The alliance before the conflict with Russia, in vidpov: “So.”

“Our head of the head – bouti are prepared. Yaksho Ts is trained to be trained, to be beaten with tim, pusha. Tszhzhdi combining is ready at the sewer, an sometimes painting can for Maybutne,” ascending Bauer.

Schodo readiness on the similar NATO flank for any potential threat, having guessed that the Alliance has expanded its presence in the Baltics since 2016, and with the beginning of a full-scale war – in Slovakia, Ugorsk, Romania, Bulgaria ii.

“Now we have all the same combat groups in battalions, which, when necessary, can be combined into a brigade. The other regions will gradually develop this mechanism. “Moreover, then let's take a look at it. Until then, what's enough,” he said General NATO.

vin, Sko Sudna Viina Maji Takozhi Vimiri, Yak Kiberprostir Chi attacks in Cosmosi, and such a way to the Arctici, on the venue of the Atlantic Ocean, in Africa, the Seredoremorem. , Black Sea.

“It would be unreasonable to focus only on a similar flank, since the Russians are not only there. The stink is everywhere. And therefore, NATO is constantly monitoring their activities and reacts accordingly when necessary,” said Bau er.

NATO is preparing for escalation

Earlier, the German newspaper Bild published a scenario of the military beginnings of Germany, as the German armored forces prepare for a hybrid attack by Russia on a similar NATO flank.

Zokrema Keri Admiral Rob Bauer addressed the NATO Military Committee, saying that the alliance will require transformation, and Zahid must prepare for an era in which everything could happen at any moment, including the beginning of war.

French President Emmanuel Macron also stated about the risk of an attack from the side of Russia with imminent fate. In his words, the leaders of Europe are responsible for preparing for such a scenario.

And Polish President Andrzej Duda stated that Russia could soon realize its military potential and attack NATO’s borders as early as 2026.

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