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Great changes. Mobilization in Ukraine will be in a new way, changing the rules for military personnel

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed low laws that restrict food mobility and military service. Zokrema, about the decrease in mobility, the Oberig registry, the electronic office of the military conscript, payment for death in the war, etc.

About those who are about to change in the near future, – from RBC-Ukraine .

During the preparation of the material, the texts of bills No. 9281, 10062, 10313, as well as presidential decrees No. 213/2024 and No. 214/2024 were reviewed.


Shorter service of conscripts and mobilization from 25 years

Today's president signed project No. 9281 on introducing changes to the law “On military obligations and іyskov service” . According to the document, the conscription limit is reduced from 27 to 25 years. Then, before serving, people aged 25-27 years are considered as conscripts and transferred to the form of military conscripts.

In fact, this means that due to the current status of military conscripts, Ukrainians in the 25th century may be mobilized during a special period. To what extent have people been mobilizing for 27 years? And with volunteers from 18-25 years of age, contracts were laid out.

It is significant that the positions of the line service are in place. This will be replaced by basic military training with praise for the great new law on mobilization.

The provisions of the law that allow the mobilization of Ukrainians from 25 rocks take effect as of the day after their publication. It is noteworthy that the Verkhovna Rada praised it as early as 2023, and since then the document has been lying without the president’s signature.

The changes were initiated by the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces. At the end of the fall, the National Security and Defense Council (RNDC) explained that the president had not signed the law in the fall, since there was a sensitive diet.

The Oberig register, e-office and UBD automatic: smut

Also today, the great project No. 10062 was signed on the detailed procedure for processing and obtaining data from the registers for the military branch and obtaining the status of a war veteran.

The military submitted this as a document, straight to the digital izatsiya army, which allow her to operate “more mobile and more effective both on the battlefield and in the military.” I called the law critically important.

The document consists of three main blocks. Zokrema allows the transfer of Ukrainian military IT systems to the dark places of NATO member states as part of the strengthening of cyber security. It will also ensure the launch of digital cloud documents (certificates) with the advanced Oberig system – the electronic Register of conscripts, military conscripts and reservists. In addition, the portal is about to launch electronic services, which will allow you to register the status of a combat participant online, offline or automatically if the system has the required data.

The idea of ​​“Amulets” stems from the collection of personal data of Ukrainians from the 18th to 60th centuries (conscripts, military conscripts and reservists). Apparently, the following must be entered into the system:

Data from the Oberig system is only available to employees of territorial acquisition centers (TCC). In fact, we will ask for the introduction of military work, which can optimize the mobilization process. It turns out that electronic armor will be launched on this basis. And also the receipt of electronic military receipts with information about the status of the citizen – it is necessary to stand on the form and additionally before service.

Okremy Register of Military Services may improve the status of the UBD by converting the data into electronic format. In short, citizens can apply for status not only in written form (as in the first place), but also online.

The procedure is carried out so that within 5 days after the issuance of the combat order, individuals from military units are required to formulate a report about their participation in combat actions and submit information to the Register. The UBD status is added automatically after forming a statement together with an electronic identifier (QR code, bar code, digital code). Receipts for the duties are available in electronic or paper form.

It is significant that benefits from other government services can be deducted from this Register. Read the report about this in the accompanying material from RBC-Ukraine.

The law gains rank on the day after publication. Previously, the Ministry of Defense said that an e-office for military personnel would be launched immediately after this. Orientation terms – 2nd quarter 2024.

Electronic account is a software interface for the Oberig register. That, obviously, is what we see in the data about conscripts, military conscripts and reservists. The functionality allows you to update your data without the extension of the TCC.

Significantly, Ukrainians praised the diet about those who are powerless

Today it is clear that the profile committee of the Supreme Court has decided to carry out mandatory registration of the e-office and send out summonses through it. The support of such a cabinet is declared as a right, not an obligation.

Read the report on upcoming changes in the material “Mobilization in Ukraine. How the Rada is working on the bill and what to prepare for” .

Without additional details, repeated medical examination and payment of 15 million hryvnia

Project No. 10313 has also become law today to ensure the rights of military servicemen and police officers to social protection. One of the main norms is that the status of demarcated appendages no longer applies. In this case, military conscripts, conscripts and reservists will have the status of conscripts and non-conscripts before service.

A requirement is also established for Ukrainians who were previously recognized as subordinates, lasting 9 months undergo a repeat medical examination. Perhaps such a review will be possible after the by-laws are brought into conformity with the new law. Until then, the military-medical commissions will not be able to act according to the standards of project No. 10313.

Another important change: the military was allowed to continuously spend time outside the cordon for up to 12 months. There is no need to undergo skin VLC for several months. It is also allowed to take a one-time allowance in connection with children from the savings of a penny of security.

In addition, the norm for the payment of 15 million hryvnia to the homeland of the deceased military is now established at the same level as the law.

The document gains the rank of the day after its publication. It is noteworthy that in this law it was also proposed to prohibit the publication of data in the media and networks of the Internet, but until another reading, all these norms were abrogated. for the celebration. What else needs to change for the military

Besides the signed laws, the President has issued two decrees. It’s a shame to see the situation regarding military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Zokrema, now women are accepted for a contract and serve on an equal basis with men (due to the consequences of the laws on child protection and maternity protection, as well as the protection of discrimination under the official sign).

Military title the senior soldier (senior sailor) is given to the soldiers (sailors) who are assigned to the landing, behind which staff receipt such a rank is transferred.

Part of the changes are to be assigned to work at the military-civilian administrations ( VCA).

Military servicemen (in addition to mobilized officers) may later be sent for assignment to the defense branch of the ACA due to savings in military service, in addition to release from imprisonment and further recognition Chennyam.

To fill vacancies at The ACA will send a letter to the Ministry of Defense regarding the basic characteristics of the job and the professional, well-educated and qualified candidates that the applicants may qualify for. At the request, the ministry determines who to send to the subordinates. The rest of the decision rests with the Minister of Defense.

The discharge is issued by order of the minister after the completion of the security measures of the Anti-Terrorist Center of the SBU or the commander of the Joint Forces, a report from the military service and the military service.

The plantings at the ACA are due to a number of reasons, including after the cessation of necessary tasks, after the military training or the unavailability of military equipment. The Minister of Defense has the right to call him at any time to inform the ACA chief and order a replacement. After returning to the Ministry of Defense, the military personnel will be assigned to the posad for no less than the reason for which they fought.

Also, the presidential decree is transmitted that in the hour of war, the mobilized Ukrainians can be sent and beyond the cordon for the beginning , preparation, retraining and advancement of qualifications (including other methods provided by law).

Also, at the time of military service, the obligatory term of service for the forward rank when the pre-line assignment of the offensive rank is no longer established. At the same time, military privates, sergeants, petty officers and young officers can, if they wish, suddenly revoke their ranks. For the minds of service in the village, in which military rank is consistent with the chergovy or the great.

Persons of the sergeant and senior officer warehouse on contract or called up for mobilization, who took part in combat operations for at least 3 months and successfully assembled military equipment at officer stations for at least 3 months, are accepted at the office Itsersk contract from the awarded rank of young lieutenant.

If this is the case, no later than six months after joining the military, I will undergo a special training course. As soon as the duty is destroyed, the duties will be released from the service from the formulas about the non-violation of the minds of the contract.

Soldiers whose service ends during the war can submit a report for mobilization. Insurement with all types of security is in place from the day of the order for the construction part. The commander of the military unit, for 5 days, will send requests to the TCC for the purpose of calling up such a military unit for military service with the order for mobilization.

Exclusions from the lists in the special warehouse of the ZSU in skovyh, unknown unknown or died, face trial or stunned during the war:

Military servicemen, who together with the supreme military-medical commission have the right to access to medical treatment, for reports are sent to the TCC to stop transfers from to Iysk part of documents about granting such permission. They have the right to specifically submit documents for registration of such a release.

Those who have reached the limit of their reserve period must continue to be released from the military service. VLK found to be unsuitable before service will be subject to resignation. Those found to be unfit for examination after 6-12 months are supplemented by a larger reserve from the prescribed instructions for those who may undergo a repeat medical examination after the end of the term.

Terms and important information Read about the war between Russia and Ukraine on RBC-Ukraine channels on Telegram.

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