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In Kyiv, a man with a knife attacked representatives of the TCC, – OK “North”

The police detained the attacker.

Illustrative photo

of representatives of the Territorial Acquisition Center and social support, reports Operational Command North.

Today, April 6, in the first half of the day, servicemen of the Desnyansky District TCC carried out warnings to citizens. During a conversation with a conscript, another man, born in 1972, approached from behind and hit one of the TCC servicemen on the head with his hand. After that, he took a knife out of his bag and wanted to stab the second serviceman with it. Subsequently, the man with the knife continued to threaten, chasing a group of military personnel.

According to OK North, without using force and trying to calm the man down, keeping him at a distance, the military personnel called the police. NPU officers detained the attacker.

According to preliminary information, there were no casualties.

OK “Sever” reminds that for obstructing the work of TCC representatives, criminal liability is provided in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 114-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which provides for imprisonment for a term of 5 to 8 years.

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