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Poland has raised the blame for the Russian Federation's missile attack on Ukraine

Poland has to ensure the safety of its open space in the face of Russia's missile attack against Ukraine, day then Viyskovu vinishuvalnu aviation.

RBC-Ukraine reports about this from a message sent to the Operational Command of the Armed Forces of Poland at the Social Security Council of H.

The command noted that there are Polish and allied forces in the vast expanse anyway, what This is the reason for the increased level of noise, especially in the rainy part of the country.

“Today's nights, the intense activity of long-range aviation of the Russian Federation is being monitored, according to “related to missile strikes on targets located on the territory of Ukraine,” – go to contact.

The Operational Command stated that all necessary procedures have been activated to ensure the safety of the Polish open space. The Administration of the Republic of Poland is continuously monitoring the situation.

Uwaga, w przestrzeni powietrznej operują polskie i sojusznicze statki powietrzne, co może wiązać się z wy stępowaniem podwyższonego poziomu hałasu, zwłaszcza w południowo-wschodnim obszarze kraju. Dzisiejszej nocy obserwowana jest intensivewna aktywność lotnictwa dalekiego…

— Dowództwo Operacyjne (@DowOperSZ) April 11, 2024 Large-scale missile attack on Ukraine

On the night of the 11th quarter there was the flight of 9 strategic aircraft was recorded Tu-95MS bombers from the Olenya airfield (Murmansk region, Russian Federation).

At around 4:00, the planes launched missiles directly towards Ukraine. The region was struck by a massive global alarm.

This year, at least nine explosions occurred in the Kharkov region. There have been power outages in the area.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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