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The Shahrays set their sights on the displaced and came up with a new scheme: how to provide for themselves

The Shahrs envisioned a new scheme using penny assistance from international donors. Ukrainians are required to be respectful and not to transfer data in the form of bank cards.

This is reported by RBC-Ukraine in a message to the Ministry of Food Reintegration of the urgently occupied territories of Ukraine and the International body UN migration issue.

The organization clarified that there are no Google forms for collecting any personal data for providing rich financial assistance.

“You do not need to enter payment card details on unknown or suspicious websites then go for the parcels from the unreliable jerels” , – please contact your contact.

This information cannot be passed on to third parties:

Shahrai schemes < p>RBC-Ukraine wrote about those that Ukrainians were also ahead of those that scammers are spreading fake SMS messages about sending orders in the name of a certain postal service.

Also, scammers on the Internet are increasingly victorious phishing sites are obsessed with their schemes. Cyber ​​police explained how not to become a victim of scammers.

Read terms and important information about Russia’s war against Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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