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The United States wants to provide financial assistance to Ukraine on credit, otherwise it can be written off

President of the states of America Matima, the right to write off Koshti, pupils Nadani Ukrainian, Yak Fіnansov Doporoga.

RBC-Ukraine reports on the proposals for the final bill.

With the initiative of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives Mike Johnson, it is proposed to see 7.8 billion dollars in direct funds to Ukraine financial assistance on credit.

However, the bill contains a clause that allows the US President to write off half, and then the entire amount of financial assistance that will be given to Ukraine.

Zokrema, after November 15, 2024, the President, after submitting the evidence to the Congress, can write off up to half the amount to the Borg. And as of 1 September 2026, the President revokes the right to write off the entire Borg.

It is significant that at the end of November 2024 there will be presidential elections in the United States. And yet it is unknown where they will lie, whether to write off the loan for Ukraine or not.

Aid to Ukraine from the USA

It is clear that since last autumn in the USA they are trying to find money to provide financial assistance to Ukraine i. The Senate decided to praise the bill, which transfers funds to help Ukraine, Israel and other US partners.

For the protection of Ukraine, within the framework of this bill, over 60 billion dollars were transferred.

Today speaker The House of Representatives published the text of the initiative to finance assistance to Ukraine. It is clear that he can be praised just this Saturday.

More details about what you need to enter before the speaker initiates can be found in the materials of RBC-Ukraine.

Terms and importance Information about the Russian war against Ukraine, read on the RBC-Ukraine channel on Telegram.

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