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What do we know about the S-200 system, the “victim” of which is not only the Tu-22M3

Vrance Friday, 19th quarter, Ukraine could liquidate the Russian Litak Tu-22M3. According to the data, it became possible for the modified S-200 air defense system.

What is known about the S-200 system and what else could be destroyed, including the Tu-22M3, – in the materials of RBC-Ukraine.

During the preparation of the material, tributes from Dzherel RBC-Ukraine, Telegram channel GUR, Defense Express, BBC News Ukrainian and the Wikipedia site were consulted.


What do you know about the S-200

S-200 is a long-range anti-aircraft missile system. Its first versions were fragmented in the 1960s in the USSR. On the cob of the stench, the radius is 160 kilometers.

The Russian Armed Forces were supplied with military equipment in 1967, and from that time on the complex was recognized by many modifications. The Radyansky complex specialists planned that the S-200 would be shot down by American strategic bombers – carrying nuclear weapons. Even smaller and less prominent goals were more important to the liquidation complex. Therefore, the next generation of installations – S-300 and S-400 – was divided.

The S-200 complex has rather poor performance in terms of range and altitude. However, both of them are not located on a commercial vehicle, but on a stationary platform. This platform can only be moved using a special platform along the slats.

A set of equipment with a 5B28 anti-aircraft ceramic missile. It operates on toxic rare fuel and has gigantic dimensions – the rocket's weight is about 11 meters, and its output is 7-8 tons. For leveling, the MIM-104 rocket to the Patriot PPO has a maximum yield of 5 meters and approximately tons.

Rocket characteristics:

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