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How to deal with a tick bite: for the sake of the Ministry of Health

The active season of mites lasts until the end of autumn, and then falls on the worm grass th veresen- zhovten. It is important to know how to protect yourself from their bites.

This is reported by RBC-Ukraine via a post on the Facebook page of the Ministry of Health.

“Ticks can only be caught in nature “There are a lot of them on people’s lawns. They don’t pick up stinks on people from trees, don’t marry them – they can crawl onto the body if people are comfortable,” writes the Ministry of Health.

How to reduce the risk of a tick bite:

What to do in case of a bite:

Guess what, RBC-Ukraine wrote about those that the Ministry of Health also explained how to recognize psychological violence and how to survive it.

Terms and important information about the Russian war against Ukraine, read on the channelRBC-Ukraine on Telegram.

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