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The United States expanded the sanctions list against the Russian Federation by almost 300 positions

The restrictions are aimed at combating the military-industrial complex of Russia and those companies that support it from abroad.

> on its website it published information about the imposition of sanctions against almost 300 companies and individuals associated with the Russian military-industrial complex.

The updated sanctions list, in addition to Russians and their enterprises, includes representatives of Azerbaijan, Belgium, China, Slovakia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates. Companies operating in these countries allow the Kremlin to circumvent previous restrictions by selling important technologies and equipment.

More than 100 organizations have been punished for working or working in the defense, technology, transport or manufacturing sectors of the country's economy – aggressor.

In addition to the blacklist, there were producers and importers of cellulose, nitrocellulose and other components used for the production of weapons.

More than 80 legal entities and individuals on the list have in one way or another contributed to Russia's evasion of sanctions or are associated with the development of chemical or biological weapons.

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