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The Vice Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada invited Azerbaijan to the June Peace Summit

Elena Kondratyuk met with representatives of the government and parliament in Baku.

Elena Kondratyuk at a meeting with representatives of the Azerbaijani authorities Baku, where he is participating in the Forum of Intercultural Dialogue . During her visit to Azerbaijan, the deputy also held several meetings with representatives of the Azerbaijani authorities.

As Ms. Kondratyuk herself said on Facebook, she was able to communicate with the Deputy Chairman of the Milli Majlis Adil Aliyev and the country’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeyhun Bayramov.

The vice speaker invited both politicians to the Peace Summit, which will be hosted by Switzerland in June, and the Conference on the Restoration of Ukraine, which will be hosted by Berlin. Kondratyuk also invited Azerbaijan to join the coalition to return home abducted Ukrainian children and to join the implementation of one of the points of President Vladimir Zelensky’s Peace Formula – on energy security or mine clearance.

The Chairman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs assured that his country will continue to provide Ukraine with humanitarian aid assistance, and promised to develop a strategic partnership.

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