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Mobilization in Ukraine: who has the right to “reservation”

In Ukraine, under the hour of war, conscripts may be booked and from mobilization. This rule of protection is extended to employees of critically important enterprises, government officials, etc.

RBC-Ukraine in the material is less clear about who has the right to reserve a mobile service.

Until the hour The preparation of the material was carried out by: Cabinet Decree No. 76 and No. 520, Law 3633-IX, the press service of the Ministry of Strategic Industry, the press service of the Ministry of Economy.


Who extends the armor

According to the official rules, you can reserve military personnel who work on:

The number of diseases that increase armor, is responsible for becoming 50% of the number of military-related diseases enterprises, establish and organizations as of the date of submission of the list. In case of obvious consumption, the quantity may exceed 50%.

Until the establishment and organization of the fuel-energy complex, which is confirmed by the Ministry of Energy, the exchange will not be stagnated a number of military diseases, which add to the armor.

Also, in this day and age, the order of armoring of workers of enterprises that are critically important for the defense-industrial complex of Ukraine (DIC) was changed. There has been a reduction in the number of reservations for any military-regional specialties.

Because of the concerns of government officials, the new law on mobilization will change the rules of armoring for them. Thus, it is guaranteed to be deprived of top officials of category “A”, heads of regional, district councils, as well as village, town, and municipal heads.

Under which government services of categories “B” and “C” will be given less armor by 50%. Then the people who support the singing departments, the singing departments, can already be mobilized. Zokrema, Vikonavi in ​​government structures can also be mobilized.

At the same time, the reservation was previously made by representatives of the authorities of the state power, other authorities – the National Police, NABU, DBR, prosecutors, the Economic Security Service, the State Tax Service, the State Criminal and Criminal Service of Ukraine, judges, as well as the staff in their districts of patronage services of state bodies, the jurisdiction of which extends to the entire territory of Ukraine.

The lists are confirmed by the Ministry of Defense, and not the General Staff

Respectfully, for several days now the functions of confirming the lists of reservations have been transferred from the General Staff of the ZSU to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

With the new changes, the central government authorities, after checking the lists of reservations for businesses, will submit them to the Ministry of Defense. Although previously, the function of updating the list of reservations was assigned to the General Staff.

However, as before, the reservation is subject to the decisions of the Ministry of Economy.

The reservation is automatically extended for a month

Varto guessed that as early as the 18th of May a new comprehensive law on mobilization will come into force, which introduces changes in legislation to protect the armor of military conspirators. At the same time, Vlad is developing a new model of armor for soldiers. So, currently in the Parliament they are considering two models of economical armor. One of them is based on the minimum wage, which can be paid so that taxes from it become 35 thousand UAH (so that it goes to the minimum wage, for the morning fighter), and another model transfers the removal of quotas without data from the industry.

To ensure that during this transition period we take care of businesses that are critically important for the economy, and thus ensure that the defense needs of the population are met, the Cabinet of Ministers on May 7 is continuing the terms of existing reservations xyats. In the future, businesses will be able to book workers with the latest rules.

Important. Once with the document, the line will automatically be extended for one month for those who do not have completed their lines at the time of the approval of the resolution.

I guess we wrote earlier that the prisoners’ armor was extended due to mobilization .

RBC-Ukraine also explained what to do in these situations, if a summons has arrived, or a reservation.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.< /em>

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