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General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: Most battles were recorded in the Pokrovsky, Kurakhovsky and Toretsky directions

A total of 107 clashes occurred.

Ukrainian drones

As of 12.00. The situation in the Pokrovsky direction remained the hottest today; the enemy is also active in the Kurakhovsky and Toretsky directions. The General Staff reported this. APU.

During the day, the enemy carried out two missile strikes on the territory of Ukraine using three missiles, 54 air strikes (in particular, 65 KAB were involved), and used 411 kamikaze drones to destroy. He carried out about 3,000 attacks on the positions of our troops and populated areas.

At Kharkovskydirection, the Russians attacked eight times near Glubokoe and Volchansk. All attacks were successfully repelled. According to preliminary estimates, the aggressor's losses today amount to 72 military killed and wounded; our soldiers also destroyed three artillery systems, an infantry fighting vehicle, six units of automobile and three units of special equipment, 11 UAVs, and also damaged five artillery systems and three vehicles.

At Kupyansky the enemy tried 11 times during the day to advance to our positions near Sinkovka, Stelmakhovka, Berestovoy and Peschany. Six enemy attacks were successfully repelled by the Defense Forces. The fighting continues.

On Limanskythe enemy attacked 13 times in the areas of Makeevka, Nevsky, Torsky and Ternov. There are still four clashes going on, all the rest were stopped by our soldiers. The losses of the Russian occupiers are being clarified.

On Seversky the enemy unsuccessfully tried to break through our defenses in the areas of Perezdnoy, Sporny and Vyemka five times during the day.

On Kramatorsk enemy activity resulted in five military clashes. Five attacks in the areas of Ivanovsky, Vremenny Yar and in the direction of Novomarkovo failed. The invaders suffer losses.

On ToretskyOur troops repelled 18 enemy attacks near Severny, Toretsky and New York. 16 attacks were repulsed, the enemy was unsuccessful, fighting continues in two locations.

The enemy showed the greatest activity today at Pokrovskydirection. In total, since the beginning of the day, the invaders have tried 22 times to break into our defenses in the areas of the settlements of Vozdvizhenka, Novoselovka Pervaya, Novoaleksandrovka, Progress, Umanskoye and Yasnobrodovka. Currently, 15 enemy attacks have been repulsed, seven clashes are ongoing. Our defenders are taking measures to stabilize the situation and prevent the enemy from advancing deeper into Ukrainian territory. The enemy is suffering significant losses – according to preliminary information, today our soldiers neutralized more than two hundred invaders in this direction, 73 of them irrevocably. Three armored combat vehicles, three artillery systems, and eight vehicles were destroyed. Two more guns, a tank and six vehicles of the occupiers were significantly damaged.

At Kurakhovsky the enemy attacked our positions 14 times. It showed the greatest activity in the area of ​​Krasnogorovka and Praskovevka. Four attacks near Krasnogorovka so far.

Six times the invaders unsuccessfully stormed our positions in the Orikhovsky direction near Malaya Tokmachka, Robotinoy and Novoandreevka. Currently, one combat attack is ongoing, the situation is under control. 

At Pridneprovsky the enemy is not abandoning attempts to dislodge our units from their positions. Three unsuccessful assaults by the aggressor were repelled by Ukrainian soldiers.

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