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Cubans are going en masse to war in Ukraine: ZMI named the reason

The citizens of Kubi are coming to Russia in large numbers to join the war against Ukraine , try to break the order This process is in progress in Gavan.

RBC-Ukraine reports this via Bloomberg.

Anonymous sources indicated that volunteers would sign up through unofficial channels. The number of participants in the fighting is likely to be in the hundreds, but it is important to establish the exact data.

The poor Cubans are ready to join before the war through generous payments from the Russian government. The fires are fueled by the economic crisis, which is accompanied by power outages and food shortages, the result of mass migration and street protests. Some are also attracted by the prospect of losing their Russian passport after dictator Volodymyr Putin signed a decree allowing foreigners to relinquish their citizenship in exchange for service in the war.

“We were the ones who learned and received information about the fact that a number of Cubans who were in Europe were recruited to take part in the war. We lived against those who fled from Cuba as well “go to war,” said the protector of the minister of foreign countries Reference Cubi Carlos Fernandez de Cosio in an interview with Bloomberg TV and Radio in Cuba.

For more than a decade, the Russian Federation and Cuba have had close political ties, beginning with the support of the USSR Harbor against the US trade embargo after the communist revolution of 1959 under the leadership of Fidel Castro. Near Bereznya, Russia sent crude naphtha tankers to Cuba to help ease the economic slump, and at Chernya, a group of naval ships was moored in the Harbor on a planned visit.

At the same time, according to Bloomberg, the number of recruits for participation in the war is much smaller today than in the Cold War era, since tens of thousands of Cubans fought in Angola in the 1970s and 1980s at the same time with hundreds of Radian army soldiers in mediating the war against USA and its allies.

Insanely, the number of Cubans who lead Russia, more important than tourists, for the rest of the fates sharply has been shortened – from 77 thousand in 2021 to about 15 thousand last year. However, the number of those who declare that they are on the right has doubled: from 492 in 2021 to 942 last year.

Officials in Havana are sending super-clear signals regarding the participation of their citizens in the war in Ukraine. Literally a few years after the Cuban Ambassador in Moscow declared that his order would not block the entry of the Cubans before the Russian army, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Bruno Rodriguez declared that the position of the Harbor is “unequivocal” lies in the midst of such a gift.

After the spring of 2023, 17 people were arrested in connection with the enormous scale of human trafficking that lured the Cubans to fight in Russia’s battles, the Ministry of Health has its own statement Liv, that “Cuba does not take part in the war in Ukraine” and will act “decisively” in order to stop any campaigns from recruitment.

Recruitment of foreigners by the Russian Federation for war

According to the Institute of Foreign War, the Kremlin recruited Indian citizens for war ї, so as not to discredit additional mobilization in Russia .

Recently, British intelligence reported that Russia has intensified its recruitment of soldiers in Africa.

In fact, Moscow has already recruited tens of thousands of soldiers from Africa and Asia.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on theRBC-Ukraine Telegram channel.

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