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New British Army Chief Says Three-Year War Readiness

General Walker believes that the army needs to be improved not quantitatively, but technologically. 

General Roland Walker

Sir Roland Walker, who became Commander-in-Chief of the United Kingdom Army in June, gave the task of preparing the British army for a possible war within three years.

As the BBC writes, the general claims that “no matter how the war between Russia and Ukraine ends, Russia will be objectively weakened, but very, very dangerous and will seek retribution for how we helped Ukraine.”

Among other threats, the commander names China's desire to occupy Taiwan and Iran's readiness to soon develop nuclear weapons. According to Walker, war “is not inevitable” and there is enough time to prevent it through accumulation of forces and deterrence. /p>

The General is convinced that the correct path of development for His Majesty’s army is not quantitative, but technological. Although he commands a “medium sized force”, with modern weapons and the latest means of warfare, Walker strives to achieve the ability to “destroy an army three times the size.”

Overall, the commander's plan is to By 2027, Britain had doubled its military power, and by the end of the decade it had tripled its progress.

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