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The State Consumer Service checks grocery stores in the Kyiv region due to a power outage

They are tasked with developing an action plan and instructions in case of a power outage.

State Consumer Services, checking food stores in the Kyiv region.

The State Consumer Service reported this.

It is noted that the check is carried out in order to prevent the occurrence of foodborne toxic infections, the occurrence of which may be caused by interruptions in power supply, and as a result, the absence in some retail chains of alternative power sources for refrigerated display cases, refrigeration and freezer compartments where products are stored.

< >“Market operators for the production and circulation of food products noted the need to ensure proper temperature conditions when storing food products, food raw materials, the need to use alternative means of electricity (gasoline or diesel generators, solar (battery) batteries, portable power plants, etc.) and adapt the operation of the enterprise to the power outage schedules,” the message says.

It is noted that, according to the law, food market operators need to:

Earlier, the head of the State Consumer Service in Kyiv, Oleg Ruban, said that in the capital 2-3 outbreaks of acute intestinal infections are recorded weekly in public catering establishments.

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