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Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada against the demobilization bill

According to Ruslan Stefanchuk, its adoption would be a repetition of the mistakes of the past.

Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk

The Chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament Ruslan Stefanchuk revealed and allowed military personnel to resign during the war.

As Interfax writes, on the air of the telethon, the speaker said that he does not know of a single country that would support demobilization under martial law. However, he later corrected himself.

Stefanchuk claims that such a country existed – it is the Ukrainian People's Republic. In 1919, Defense Minister Mykola Porsh submitted a corresponding proposal to the Central Rada, which was voted on. “Do I need to tell you what happened next?” the speaker asked rhetorically.

Ruslan Stefanchuk called it “very important” that the current Verkhovna Rada does not repeat the mistakes made by the Central Rada over a century ago.

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