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Assassination of Farion: what is known about the investigation and the shooter’s motives

Yesterday, the suspect in the murder of the movoznavitsa Irinya Farion was caught up. Today they voiced suspicion and stopped a late approach. The investigation converges to the idea that the shooter was no longer a Viconavian.

Everything that is known about the assassination of Farion, the version and motives of the shooter – collected by RBC-Ukraine in the materials below.


About the day driving and planning

The killing of the huge activist and movoznavitsa Irina Farion took place on June 19, 2024 on the street. Masaryk near Lvov. An invisible shot at the 60-year-old woman, when she was checking for a taxi in the yard of her booth. Doctors took her to the hospital in critical condition and operated on her. Farion was in a deep cerebral coma on artificial ventilation of her leg. But I couldn’t bear to wait. That same evening, doctors pronounced her dead, and the police classified the murder as criminal.

After swinging, they began to widen the young man’s light lines in the panama and dark eyepieces. Susidi Farion revealed that for the past ten years there has been a household where Movoznavitsya lived. Later, the police confirmed that this guy himself was the least one suspect on the right. He was heard out loud.

Today, during the briefing, law enforcement officials revealed more details with chronology and reported that during the investigation they identified and interviewed 80 people similar to the murder Qiu . The police received 900 certificates of information.

A sports cartridge was found at the scene, not a bullet. Narasi is searching, de tsya kulya (size 9×18) bula pridbana. The Ministry of Internal Affairs does not include the fact that she was banned in the “black market”.

It has been established that after arriving in Lvov, suspicions were turned off on “Noviy Poshta” with masculine speeches (among them, eyepieces squinted, a false beard, a Panama hat), as if wearing the coming days. The boy arrived in Lviv on 9 linya, and through the Booking online booking system he bought an apartment, and then two more on 14 linya and 19 linya. The stench was all over the balconies.

Photo: the police showed footage from security cameras, on some suspicions of the lad (

It is also clear that he had been suspicious of Farion in the courtyard of her little house for nearly two years, without leaving the place. On the day of killing the victims, stand no more than two meters in front of the target before the victim. The moment was not captured on camera, but the rest of the preparations before the attack were recorded.

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Igor Klimenko, stated that the armor from which Farion was killed was not found.

“What is the point of the gun , then I washed myself with suspicion that I took it,” – the minister.

It is significant that Farion was buried in the Lichakivsky treasure trove near Lvov 22 lindens. Then thousands of Lviv residents came to say goodbye to Moznavitsa. That day, suspicions left the place (and traveled by road to the Dnieper).

Versions, motives and “Russian trace”

Over the course of these days, hundreds of members of the National Police of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine and other services worked on the crime of murder. Minister of Internal Affairs Igor Klimenko has confirmed that the investigation may lead to several versions of the motives for the murder of Movoznavitsa. Among the main ones there is a special hostility, a huge activity that is lost. Law enforcement also does not raise a “Russian trace” to this murder. In the MVS it also seems that the killing was planned and the killer had been preparing for the crime for at least two months.

At the hour of the briefing, the first defender of the head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Sergey Andrushchenko, spoke to RBC-Ukraine, saying that there is a version of the honorability of the Russian special services. The identity of the Russian Federation, which has become neo-Nazi, is also being verified.

Warto note that over the past few days Russian media resources have expanded the video on which the Russian “national socialists” took credit for the murder of Irina Farion due to the collapse of NS/WP. They recently published a video of typing in a moznavitsa.

“The responsibility of the said individual is based on a complex of approaches. This includes connections on the territory of Ukraine, as well as beyond the cordon. One version is the responsibility of the special services of the aggressor’s territory before organizing the crime,” Andrushchen reproved adding that other atrocities are being seen on the territory of Ukraine , until some point there will be significant delays.

It is noteworthy that the digital book “Secret instructions of the CIA and KGB for collecting facts, conspiracy and disinformation” was found in the suspect’s phone.

What is known about the slaughter of his homeland

Trained 18 years old and a native of the Dnieper . Today they voiced suspicion of murder. Behind the words of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there is enough evidence to confirm that the very claims of shooting at the foreign language.

Journalists from “Schemes” (Radio Liberty) found out that this 18-year-old boy started at the Dnipro Gymnasium No. 62. He took up football at the Moscow Children's Youth Sports School and grave at the “MD” team YUSSH U-19″. Also taking part in the tournament to support the ZSU “Autumn 2022”.

ZMI also contacted the father of the suspect. At the commentary, the man told him that he was serving, but he hadn’t seen his son for a long time, but he learned about his pretense from the squad. Behind his words, the boy did not say anything that would indicate hostility to Farion. The journalists couldn’t get in touch with the matter – their phone number was turned off.

It’s cool that they also found a farewell note on the young man’s phone just in case it went “not according to plan.” There is no way to ask your fathers for marriage. In his note, he writes that he came from the family “for their safety” and that he did not trust them.

Photo: suspicions of the assassination Farion wrote a farewell letter (RBC-Ukraine)

With their black head, the Ministry of Internal Affairs recognized that the suspect was transported from the Dnieper to Lvov for 10 years and was captured with him. It was clear that everything was unclear to the boy, he could not send an SMS, because the special forces were working hard. Klimenko, as soon as the place is installed, a shooter’s attack may begin.

“In the opinion of the investigators, the shooting was carried out from a recycled pistol,” said the Minister of Internal Affairs , explaining that the middle of the calls on the suspect’s phone is the zbroya has been re-cut.

Dodamo, in order of RBC-Ukraine, a photo was taken out, which can be used as an incriminating arrow.

Photo : suspicions in the assassination of Irina Farion (RBC-Ukraine)

The shooter had other potential victims, among them the People's Deputy

Law enforcement authorities determined that the boy had cheated information about other public figures. What should we say about the preparation of the offensive attacks? The Minister of Internal Affairs said that the 18-year-old government could now target People’s Deputy Maxim Buzhansky and added that other names were used in the search for the person involved, but without naming them.

“I think that she (Farion – ed.) was the most hopeless among us. We showed you her Poshuk’s sign. I can reveal one nickname to you… Let’s go to the list of whom you marveled at, formerly Max Buzhansky, shodo I’ll wash away all the others,” said Klimenko.

We remind you that today at 13:00 the Galician court of Lvov will arrange an alternative approach for the suspect in the murder of Irina Farion. The prosecutor's office is asking for a two-month arrest without the right to arrest him. Once the offense is brought, the Streltsev is threatened with a reduction of will for lines up to fifteen rocks.

Find out more about monovitsa in the accompanying RBC-Ukraine article “Who is Irina Farion: from the communist of the 80s to tsionalists and fighters for Ukrainian mov”.

During the preparation of the material, they were victorious: stating the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Igor Klimenko and the intercessor of the head of the Security Service of Ukraine Serhiy Andrushchenko at a briefing, the press service of the National Police, information from the authorities of RBC-Ukraine on, publication of “Schemes” ( Radio Liberty).

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