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One in Samara and two near Moscow: GUR showed video of destruction of three helicopters in Russia

The aggressor used the destroyed and damaged Russian helicopters in the war against Ukraine.

> On July 27, GUR showed a video of the destruction of three helicopters in Russia: one in Samara and two near Moscow.

On July 24, a military multi-purpose Mi-8 helicopter burned at the Kryazh airfield in the city of Samara.

A few days earlier, on July 21, in the village of Tomilino near Moscow, two more helicopters of the aggressor state were damaged by fire – an attack Mi-28 and a multi-purpose Ka-226.

The two aircraft were located on the territory of the Russian “National Center of the Mil and Kamov Helicopter”. This military aviation enterprise of the aggressor state is engaged in the development, production and repair of helicopters.

The structure of the center includes two design bureaus, a pilot production facility, an experimental research complex and a test center.

The aggressor used the destroyed and damaged Russian helicopters in the war against Ukraine.

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