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Ukraine has the strength to achieve its goals – Zelensky

Ukraine has the strength to achieve its goals in the war with Russia. This statement was made by President Volodymyr Zelensky after reconciliation with the head of the ZSU Oleksandr Sirsky.

RBC-Ukraine reports about this in a letter sent to the head of the state, published on the website of the Presidential Office.

At its farm. The head of the state said that he spoke from Sirskiy about “our actions immediately, and for the near future.” Behind the words of the president, Ukraine has the strength to achieve its goals. Підбиваючи підсумок Зеленський подякував всім, хто причетний до забезпечення цієї сили.

“Вдячний усім, хто своєю силою це забезпечує”, – сказав президент.

Термінові та важливі повідомлення про Read the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel on Telegram.

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