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US reports efforts to stop war between Israel and Hezbollah – Reuters

Washington reports efforts to avoid all-out war between Israel and Iran-backed Lebanese movement Hezbollah “.

Reported by RBC-Ukraine as sent to Reuters.

It is reported that the United States will carry out a diplomatic operation to prevent Israel from launching an attack on the Lebanese capital Beirut and major civilian infrastructure in response to the deadly rocket attack on the Golan Heights 27 years ago by Hezbollah, as a result of which 12 young people died.

Meta-diplomacy was the main reaction to Israel, calling on it not to launch strikes on densely populated Beirut or the deserted outskirts of the city, which is the center of Hezbollah. The US is also working on this to ensure that key infrastructure such as airports and bridges are not targeted. Five people spoke about this anonymity, including Lebanese and Iranian officials, as well as diplomats from neighboring countries and Europe.

Israeli officials said that Fuck the country, I want to do some mischief to Hezbollah, but don’t get involved the region is facing a full-scale war. Two close European diplomats said that Israel did not take on the daily challenges of not carrying out attacks on Beirut, its areas or civilian infrastructure.

What happened

Evening of the 27th of Izra Or by declaring about Hezbollah’s attack on the stadium in areas of Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights. As a result of the attack, 12 people died, including children. Over 30 more people were injured.

Later, the Ministry of Health told Israel that Hezbollah's attack had crossed all lines. У той же час, “Хезболла” свою відповідальність за удар по стадіону спростовувала.

Раніше РБК-Україна писало, що в США занепокоєні з приводу того, що удар по Голанах може призвести до війни між Ізраїлем і “Хезболлою “.

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