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The US was secretly investigating the possible bribery of Trump by Egypt: WP has learned the details

The United States was conducting a non-public investigation into possible bribery of the colossal President Donald Trump. In 2016, Egyptian President Abdel Fatah el-Sisi was never trying to give Trump 10 million dollars.

RBC-Ukraine reports this from reports to The Washington Post.

In 2017, the United States began an investigation based on intelligence data that the President of Egypt wanted to give Trump 10 million dollars to strengthen his presidential campaign.

Trump himself contributed the same amount of money to his campaign and in the remaining days before presidential elections.

Already at the beginning of 2019, the US Department of Justice learned about the secret sheet of an organization associated with Egyptian intelligence to the National Bank of Egypt about the need to withdraw the same amount of money in preparation.

The department began to verify that by depriving Trump of money from Egypt, which could have violated the federal law on the defense of denying foreign funding to presidential candidates.

However, according to data, the high-ranking Justice Ministry did not allow prosecutors and FBI agents to remove bank documents, which, in my opinion, could conceal important evidence from the authorities.

Already in the fall of 2019, the then US Attorney General William Barr expressed doubts about the availability of sufficient evidence to continue the investigation into Trump, and also emphasized the possible advance of investigators. The very existence of sufficient evidence on the right was closed in the beginning of 2020. By the end of 2022, the term for the event has ended.

The trilateral investigation into the transfer of funds from Egypt to the Trump campaign has not yet been publicly announced. More than once in 2020, it was mentioned about the Egyptian bank, which financed the campaign of the US President.

The Trump campaign raised the story and called the story “a textbook fake news.”

< p> Guess what, Trump is one of the main contenders for the presidency. US Vice President Kamala Harris will be the candidate for the Republicans, and her opponent for the Democrats will be US Vice President Kamala Harris.

Respectfully, today's Democrats have chosen Harris as their official candidate for US President.

We also been hammering for days Trump got into a racist scandal. Vіnvovat Harris at the victorious color of the skin for political purposes.

Read the terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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