• 15/02/2025 04:00

In the Kiev region, vibukha are mooning. Pratsyuє PPO

На околицях Білоцерківського району Київської області пролунав вибух.

Про це reports the RBC-Ukraine correspondent.

Monitoring publics report about the work of the PPO Forces in the area of ​​the Bila Tserkva town.

The Ukrainian forces of the ZSU report about the flow of drones on the border The Kiev/Cherkasy regions are heading towards a convergence.

For now, the map of current worries looks like this:

Night shelling by “Shaheds”

I guess, in the evening of 4 sickles, the Russians launched drones of the “Shahed” type directly into Ukraine. The lower regions were deafened by great alarm.

Late afternoon in the Kharkov area, moons began to sound. In the area of ​​the regional center, a swarm of hostile drones was spotted.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on theRBC-Ukraine channel on Telegram. /p>

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