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Berlin wants to increase spending on defense, including military mobility, – Politico

The German government, which sees the waste of pennies, thinks how to include transport financing infrastructure, what її vykoristov vіyskі, have their defense spending, or vykonati whole showing of NATO spending.

RBC-Ukraine informs about this in a post on Politico.

After the attack of Russia to Ukraine in 2022, the government of Germany has created a special fund of 100 billion euros for the modernization of the Bundeswehr, helping it to achieve the target figure for NATO spending in the amount of 2 hundreds Whose fate is GDP.

Prote draft budget for 2025 does not help save this rhubarb. Instead of an increase of 6.5 billion euros requested by Defense Minister Boris Pistorius, the draft budget proposes an increase of 1.2 billion euros.

The remaining fund of 100 billion euros is mainly divided into divisions, it is unclear how Germany intends to maintain its commitment to spend more than 2% in the current year, especially after 2027, write Politico.

Vysokop besieged by the order of Nimechchina, having told the sight, That Berlin considers the possibility of including expenses for military mobility. This may include expenses for the cost of roads and roads necessary for transporting troops across the country.

In addition to the current defense budget, Berlin also includes some waste on defense that goes to NATO and money from other departments. This includes the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Chancellery and the Ministry of Finance, but the hidden amount is classified, the representative told the order.

How much is spent on military mobility with spending on defense

NATO has established rules regarding which expenditures are indicative of its significant expenditures on defense, and means: “Spending on the military component of mixed civil-military activities is included, unless This component can be specifically insurance or assessments.”

Military mobility has been a headache for defense planners for the past three years, especially in Nimechchyna, which prompted the European Union to become penniless in its production line. budget for financing schemes that may clearly stagnate for defense.

Camille Grand, senior assistant to the NATO Secretary General, said that while NATO's expansion would include a large portion of spending on mobility, the NATO Security Investment Program covers infrastructure needs such as aircraft modernization abazi or budіvnitstvo warehouse.

“Zreshtoyu allies You can choose to invest pennies in a large number of speeches, as they are today. In practice, the main part of the impact of airline mobility lies on the EU [Transportation Department]. European Commission] DG MOVE, which has begun to invest (modestly) in the consumption of military mobility within the framework of the flow-through financial structure of the MFF,” said the Grand. Foreign Minister of Germany plans to praise budget for 2025 after a month of super-reaction, we believe that a stronger economic proposal will help us close the gap of 17 billion euros between the forecasted figures and income.

The Minister of Finance of Germany, Christian Lindner, stated that Germany is not ready to increase its defense budget, because Berlin is violating the goal of NATO.

Terms are important Read information about the war between Russia and Ukraine at RBC-Ukraine channels on Telegram.

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