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Reuters journalists and others suffered: what is known about the missile attack on Kramatorsk

Russian prison guards on the night of the 25th sickle ahead of a missile attack on Kramatorsk, Donetsk region i. As a result of the hostile attack, foreign journalists suffered.

Everything that is known about the shelling of Kramatorsk is in the material of RBC-Ukraine below.


That same night, Russian troops attacked Kramatorsk – one of the largest cities in the Donetsk region. As the local government reported, it hit the Sapphire Hotel. There was also a lot of damage to the surface nearby.

Police, riot police and doctors arrived at the scene of the incident. The ritual-poshukova operation is distressing.

Photo: Russians hit the hotel near Kramatorsk (

Russia attacked

As soon as the law enforcement and military forces put in place, the Russians fired Iskander-M ballistic missiles at Kramatorsk.

Varto add, according to the information of the ZSU Air Force, the Russian Army fired an Iskander-K missile and a ballistic Iskander-K missile across Ukraine this very night. M”, as well as six aircraft missiles of the X-59/X-69 type and nine attack drones.

Anti-aircraft forces destroyed all kamikaze drones near the Mykolayiv region.

Who among the victims

The head of the Donetsk OVA Vadim Filashkin informed that three people were injured as a result of the strike on the hotel є journalists. The stinks of the citizens of Ukraine, the USA and Britain. There was also information that one person was living under the rubble.

This information was also confirmed by the State Service for Emergency Situations. The guards noted that as a result of the shelling, the top two buildings were partially destroyed. On top of another they were burying a person, another person was being hunted.

At the camp at 11:00, the ritualists collected 60 tons of civil structures.

The prosecutor's office clarified that the hotel, which suffered under the shelling, suffered bodily harm from foreign journalists on 38 and 40 years. The wounded have a brain injury, brain damage, a broken leg, contusion, body cuts.

Reuters reported that journalists were also affected by the shelling. Apparently, a Reuters team of six people was chattering away in a hotel near Kramatorsk.

“Один наш колега вважається зниклим безвісти, ще двоє доставлені в лікарню для надання медичної допомоги”, – йдеться у заяві видання.

Пізніше очільник Донецької ОВА підтвердив, що усі постраждалі – журналісти Reuters, citizens of Ukraine, USA, Latvia and Germany. Also, apparently, a journalist from Great Britain is walking under the rubble.

According to Vadim Filashkin, the number of wounded has grown to just a few.

Polish journalist Monika Andrushevska also suffered due to the attack of the occupiers. It highlights the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. At the time of the attack, she was driving an errand in a car.

The journalist was recovering from light injuries. The woman showed a photo of the damaged car to her social networks.

“My first special blood was shed for Ukraine – just on Independence Day. After 10 years of war. “Iskander” entrusts me… You just drive around the place. You just live. You just die. That’s enough for the Russians to try to kill you,” – Andrushevska wrote on Facebook.


Updated at 15:20

Miska was pleased to announce that Kramatorsk already knows about sixty victims. One of them is at an important place. The search and ritual operation is disturbing.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine responded to the attack on Kramatorsk. The river officer of the department called Russia a barbaric evil and called on the world to condemn the shelling, as a result of which the journalists of foreign snakes suffered.

During the preparation of the material, vikors were used: Telegram channels of the head of the Donetsk OVA Adim Filashkin, DSNS, Office of the Prosecutor General, Reuters and Polsat News.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on theRBC-Ukraine channel on Telegram.

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