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Trump praised the rules of the debate with Harris, which will take place on Wednesday 10th

The great US President Donald Trump at his social network Truth Social, declaring that “reach to please” about U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris will participate in the debate.

RBC-Ukraine reported this to CNN.

“The rules will be the same as at the rest of the CNN debates, as , it seems, they ruled over everyone,” the US presidential candidate said Republicans on Tuesday, 27 September.

Dzherelo video, aware of the situation, confirmed that the rules of a significant world of mind-shaping, as vikorist CNN channel during the hour of debate on the 27th. This includes the fact that the microphone will be turned off while another candidate is speaking, and there will be no spectators in the studio.

At the same time, he said that the campaign of the Democratic candidate Kamali Garris is still in negotiations with ABC about those , or you will lose the microphones turned on during the hour of the presidential debate at Veresna.

CNN writes that Trump, in his speech, did not specifically mention the inclusion of microphones, simply saying that the rules will be the same as in his first debate, if the former US President Joe Biden is the candidate for the post of head of state among the Democrats.

According to Geral, familiar with the situation, the Trump team wanted microphones to be turned off during all debates, to blame whichever candidate they say, as was the case.

It turned out that CNN's debate rules did not cover the presence of observers in the studio. Both candidates stood on a single podium, and first place was awarded by tossing a coin. The 1990 debates had only two breaks for advertising, and campaign staff members were not allowed to interact with the candidates during this time. Also on stage, mothers were not allowed to write notes, but the candidates were given a pen, a notepad, and a drink.

Resume CNN write that we have seen all the rules of debate before the debate.

< p>In addition, the video revealed that, following Trump’s words, Harris was convinced that during the debate on Fox News on Sunday 4, she decided to leave the date open for the sake of “changing her mind.” Trump also pushed for a possible third round of debates on NBC News, which, in his words, Harris did not praise.

US elections

It is significant that after the debates with Biden, Trump has greatly increased his chances of winning. leaving military service, having led the fight for the imprisonment of the US President. A particularly notable boost to the election came after the swing.

However, after Biden left the race and Harris became his replacement as the presidential candidate, the situation changed significantly. However, based on the fact that they are trying to get tested, the candidates have almost equal chances.

RBC-Ukraine previously reported that the Harris campaign raised 540 million dollars from the moment Biden voted for exit from the pre-election stages.< /p>

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