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Unknown person opened fire on Lutsk TCC security post, serviceman wounded

The soldiers of the security company returned fire, but the criminal managed to escape from the scene.

the serviceman was wounded (illustrative photo)

On August 27, during curfew, an unknown person opened fire on the security post of the Lutsk TCC.

This was reported by the press service of OK “Zapad”.

As a result of the attack, a senior soldier was wounded, who is now undergoing treatment in the hospital. It is noted that the soldiers of the security company returned fire, but the criminal managed to escape from the scene. Law enforcement officers are currently searching for him.

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OK West reminded that the TCC is a restricted area, and in the event of a threat to the lives of military personnel, they will open fire to kill.

“The servicemen who were at the security post yesterday are military personnel with combat experience who, after being wounded, were transferred to serve in the Lutsk TCC. All of them are locals who heroically went to defend our land from the very beginning of the Russian invasion. They were wounded and transferred to serve in the rear,” the report says.

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