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The dollar is cheaper for the third day after

The National Bank of Ukraine has lowered the dollar exchange rate to the hryvnia. The dollar has been cheaper for the third day in a row.

RBC-Ukraine reports this from data posted on the regulator’s website.

The official exchange rate for September 30, 2024 is set at the following level: 41.1901 UAH for 1 dollar (-0.0607 UAH).

Rate The euro becomes 45.7045 hryvnia for 1 euro (-0.1746 UAH).

Today’s Mizhbank exchange rate fell by 4 kopecks to 41, 16-41.19 UAH/dollar (purchase and sale) adjusted from closing on the previous day.

On the ready market, the dollar exchange rate fell by 5 kopecks to 41.45 hryvnia.

Situation on the market

The dollar exchange rate fluctuates in a narrow range of 41-41.35 UAH /dollar At the beginning of the month the exchange rate practically did not change – at the end it became 41.02 UAH/dollar. Over the past month, the exchange rate has moved up by 1-2%. Zagalom z poku roku dollar has risen in price by 8.7%.

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