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Great American military contractor selling confidential technologies to China, Russia and Iran

American defense contractor RTX Corp. waiting to pay a fine of 200 million dollars to regulate the US authorities for violating export controls by transferring confidential technologies to the country’s adversaries, such as China, Russia and Iran.

RBC-Ukraine reports this as sent to Bloomberg.

The good news, announced on Friday by the State Department, was revealed after RTX voluntarily reported about the damage, which, in their words, was entered through the wrong classification of defense articles under the International Trade Regulations (ITAR).

The failure of RTX subsidiaries to comply with US export control led to the fact that sensitive technology was lost to China and, in some cases, turned around USA, de Von Bula included until the relocation of military aviation systems, including Air Force One.

The damage was primarily at Rockwell Collins Inc. , an aerospace technology company that later joined its predecessor RTX United Technologies Corp. Half of the regulation has been reduced due to the fact that RTX is using money to improve its programs.

At the time of reporting revenues in the region, the company reported that it had seen as much as 1 billion dollars and at a glance at the results of three national investigations.

Guess what, the Russian Federation owes its partners to China, Iran, and North Korea to help it circumvent sanctions and seize components for production recovered.

For example, Russian aircraft missiles of the X-59 type were found to have 42 parts and components of foreign production, and missiles from Southern Korea, which Russia has already exploited several times for attacks on Ukraine, revenge on components of American and European companies.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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