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Oleschuk made a statement about the F-16 crash and responded to Bezugloya’s attacks

Ukraine, 26 sickle, a day of massive shelling, spent a Vinishuvach F-16 and one from the finest Ukrainian pilots – Oleksia Mesia. The causes of the plane crash are being investigated.

RBC-Ukraine reported this through a message sent to the Telegram channel by the commander of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (ZSU), Mikoly Oleshchuk.

As Oleschuk points out, the command does not allow spending, and all the authorities immediately rejected evidence of the disaster. Also, Kiev’s partners and the United States of America (USA) were also aware of this, as they had already begun to investigate the cause of the plane crash.

“I’m singing that a detailed analysis and investigation is already underway. We can definitely look into what happened, what the situation is, what the evidence is. >It’s important to clarify that yesterday, September 29, people’s deputy Mar’yana Bezugla stated that, according to her information, the F-16 “was shot down by a Patriot anti-aircraft missile system due to discoordination between fighters.”

Today, on the 30th of September, she shouted at the commander of the Air Force for the “mobilization” and confirmed that there was already a “short third episode”, since the Ukrainian air force is being beaten by the military anti-terrorist defense (PPO).

“Two previous incidents that did not involve F-16s were officially attributed to the Russians. And about this incident they also tried to hide and obtain information until it showed up in foreign countries,” she said and added, “classic” generals lead us to defeat.”

Oleschuk's statement

The commander of the Military Forces respected that in the minds of the war, the latest information cannot be wasted in the public domain.

“Ale This is especially true for people who have chosen Maryana Bezugla as a tool for discrediting the great military church. There’s no way to hang up the dogs,” he added.

Oleshchuk, with her help, having told Bezugliy that she was “spouting bullshit” on the new Povitryani forces, discredited the producers of the American armed forces, and became a “newsmaker” for the propaganda of the enemy.

F-16 plane crash

Yesterday, September 29, The Wall Street Journal announced that one of the F-16 planes crashed in Ukraine. RBC-Ukraine reached out to the Insurrectionary Forces for comment, however, they did not confirm or release the information.

About an hour later, the military forces reported the death of the pilot Oleksiy Mesy, and the General Staff of the ZSU confirmed the loss of the F-16.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on theRBC-Ukraine channel on Telegram.

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