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Ukrainian swimmers achieved a second podium at the 2024 Paralympics

Ukrainian swimmers achieved a second podium at the 2024 Paralympic Games. Andriy Trusov and Evgeniy Bogodayko won silver and bronze in swimming.

RBC-Ukraine reports about this from the performances on the Suspilna.

Ukrainian swimmers Trusov and Bogodayko вибороли відразу дві призові позиції на дистанції 200 метрів комплексним стилем (клас SM7).

Трусов за 50 метрів до фінішу очолював заплив, однак у підсумку поступився аргентинцеві Базілофу на 0.12 секунди.

Respectfully, our athletes have already won their 17th and 18th medals at the 2024 Paralympic Games.

We were informed that the medal count for Ukraine was already on the first day Other Paralympic Games Ukrainian swimmer Anton Kol. The athlete won the 100-meter race.

We now know that Ukraine has already taken away at least 18 cities. You can find out about those who won the 15th city crown in the materials of RBC-Ukraine.

For terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine, read on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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