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The schedules are not working. Emergency shutdowns have begun to be introduced in Kiev and regions

Emergency schedules will remain in place in several regions of Ukraine Light connection. Connections will be restored without delay due to extreme necessity.

RBC-Ukraine informs in which areas the cut-off will be introduced.

On the order of Ukrenergo, an emergency power connection has been introduced at 20:35.

“The posture of the schedule will vary depending on the situation at the margin. Please, save electricity, as it affects you, to help stabilize the system. For your understanding,” – reported to DTEK.

The Zhytomyr Regional Administration stated that the connection will be restored without further delay as a matter of extreme necessity, in order to protect the energy system from significant technological disruptions.

“Chanovni podzhivachi, beast no respect, at once the introduction of an emergency shutdown schedule and a daily shutdown schedule, the shutdown hours for your schedule may be increased,” added Kirovogradoblenergo

It appears that it will start at 21:10 Emergency schedules are frozen in Kiev and several regions. Zokrema:

< p>When preparing the publication, information from the Zhytomyr Regional Military Administration, Kirovogradoblenergo, Sumioblenergo and DTEK was used.

The news is being updated…

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