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Russian director Trofimova included in the Ministry of Culture blacklist

Russian-Canadian director Anastasia Trofimova was brought in before the shift they pose a threat to the national security of Ukraine. She herself directed the documentary film “Russians at War.”

RBC-Ukraine reports this in a letter to the Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications.

“The Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications has identified the Russian-Canadian director Anastasia Trofimova as a threat to the national security of Ukraine. ussia Today” was added to this list, especially for the documentary film “Russians at War” (“Russians at War”), which she directed,” the ministry said.

Although those who showed the episode at the Venice Film Festival, the film was shown at The Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) was closed.

After the first session, the film was removed from the program through security reasons, due to the pressure of the Congress of Ukrainians of Canada, Ukrainian and foreign authorities.

Respectfully, this film is spreading Russian propaganda and demonstrations є unpleasant neutrality regarding the war between Russia and Ukraine.

“This propaganda film does not pay due respect to the atrocities that Russia was invading, and does not recognize them. The film also promotes the idea that this war is a “conflict between two brothers.” x peoples”, and that Russians are just as victims as Ukrainians “What is unpleasant in the minds of real people, which are being developed in Ukraine,” added the Ministry of Culture.

The current Minister of Culture and Strategic Communications Mykola Tochitsky, stating that the Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications of Ukraine will resist any attempt at victorious mystique as a tool of Russian propaganda.

“Eruptions, similar to Trofimova's activity, and partly the broader information war waged by the Russian Federation, are trying to justify their aggression through culture and media. We are fighting against the promotion of false counteractions and manipulations that attempt to replace the truth and delegitimize the aggressor,” commented minister.

Scandal about the film “Russians at War”

I guess it's 5th spring At the Venice Film Festival they showed the film “Russians at War” by Russian director Anastasia Trofimova, who previously directed films for the propaganda holding RT (Russia Today).

The director stated that she spent almost all of this month in the combat zone in Ukraine – together with a battalion of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation – operating “without authorization.” Respectfully, this is illegal, and it also means that Trofimova has crossed the territorial cordon of Ukraine.

This page was a storm both in Ukraine and beyond the cordon (the fragments of the war “distort the reality of the Russian agra This serves as a propaganda tool for the Kremlin “).

This year it became known that “Russians at War” may be shown at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). On the festival’s website, it was announced as a “fussy documentary” that will show the truth about the war that is not visible in the Russian media.

Given the number of victims, it is necessary to reach the TIFF organizers on the Ukrainian side and block the display of the propaganda page, The film festival still planned to show it between its programs.

However, for example, the festival in Toronto changed its position to a scandalous film about Russians at war. More details about this in the material of RBC-Ukraine.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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