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The UN General Assembly approved the “Pact for the Future”, despite Russia’s demarche

The UN General Assembly this week, 22nd spring, praised the main document of the Samit of the future, regardless of the protest Russia. President Volodymyr Zelensky welcomed this decision.

RBC-Ukraine reports about this with messages to the Voice of America and the side of President Volodymyr Zelensky from social media X.

The document of praise is not without the support of the delegation of the region – aggressor. The representative of Russia intends to make his own amendments, threatening to support the narrow document.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Vershinin, blames the voting of the amendment in accordance with the “principle of non-delusion.” In his words, it is very important for the regions of the Global Day that the “collective Entry” does not impose its will on them.

Vershinin called the draft document “hypocritical” and criticized Secretary General António Guterres for inappropriately taking all the proposals from the draft. In an attempt to support the amendment of the Russian Federation, Vershinin threatened to “distance himself” from the consensus praise of the document.

The Russian amendment was supported by 143 votes. President of the General Assembly Philemon Young praised the Pact and signed it.

What does the “Pact for the Future” contain

The 42-page document contains a cross-section of the region's plans to address global problems – from military conflicts and climate change, to artificial intelligence and the reform of the UN and global institutions.

Zokrema, the document contains sections “Steel development and financing Development”, “International Peace and Security”, “Science, Technology, Innovation and Digital Development”, “Youth and Future Generations”.

In the Division about peace and security it is stated that “every war is emerging in new and unsafe forms.” Today “the world is closer to a nuclear confrontation, even if it is near the end of the Cold War.”

The pact also stipulates that the countries will undertake to act “collectively to promote the renewal of international peace and security on land, sea, in space, in cyber space and in other new areas.” This is necessary “for the effective counteraction of mutually related global threats and the prohibitions contained in the UN Statute.”

Reaction of President Zelensky

President Volodymyr Zelensky praised the “Pact” for the sake of the future.” In my opinion, sooner or later the end of the war in Ukraine is possible.

The head of the state stated that “despite all the troubles, in the face of Russia’s attempts to praise the document, the world of wisdom will unite around the idea of ​​what is fair and careless in the future.”

In the President’s opinion, this may be completed in the minds of the future Greater war In Europe, from time to time, the Other World is similar to the “Formula for the World”, which is based on the goals and principles of the UN Statute, as well as the objective needs of global security.

“The world will require leadership and resolve. Ukraine is ready to work with other countries on this path,” he added.

Zelensky’s visit to the United States

On the week of 22nd spring, President Volodymyr Zelensky arrived From a work visit to the United States . Before his visit, the head of state will hold a low meeting within the framework of the General Assembly.

Zokrem, the head of state plans to open a plant that will fire 155-mm caliber shells, some of which will be delivered to Ukraine to counteract the Russian Federation.

Zelensky will also align himself with candidates for the post of US President Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

Peace Summit-2

Another peace summit will appear after the implementation of a comprehensive peace plan with 10 points of the Ukrainian “formula for the world”. It is not excluded that the zustrich may be active until the end of 2024.

According to the words of President Zelensky, a plan for the world is already prepared. US President Joe Biden may be the first to become aware of it.

Read terms and important information about Russia’s war against Ukraine on theRBC-Ukraine channel on Telegram. /p>

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