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Zaporizhzhya's bulges began to ripple, before the launch of the enemy KAB was recorded

In Zaporizhzhia this evening on the 22nd of the monday the vibuhi were mooning and the hour was bright ї anxiety in the area. Before this there was a threat of hostile airstrikes.

RBC-Ukraine reports about this from the dispatch of the Zaporizhzhya Regional Military Administration of Ivan Fedorov to the camp.

Vibukhi in the area There was a moonlight in the Pozhzhya region on April 23.

At that very hour, the ZSU Military Forces asked the locals to stay in Ukritts through the threat of an enemy strike from the stockpiling of ceramic aircraft bombs.

So, the Ukrainians fixed launch of the KAB by the enemy in Zaporizhzhia around 22.37.

And before that, the Military Forces were informed about the activity of the enemy’s tactical aviation in a direct manner, and about the threat of the Russian occupiers squeezing their aviation capabilities.

Shelling of Zaporizhzhya

I guess, the place of Zaporizhzhya and other settlements regions often suffer from enemy attacks.

So, for example, as a result of the Russian attack from the stagnation of ballistics in Zaporizhzhia on the evening of 2nd spring, two people died, and among the victims was a child. There were also two wounded.

Previously, it was also reported that before the outbreak of Zaporizhzhya there were missile attacks from the 27th sickle. Then the enemy fought in the area of ​​the Balistics from the territory of the time-occupied Crimea.

Read the terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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